Nunawading and Waverley Lutheran Church is a vibrant church in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We are located in two worshipping centres, one in Glen Waverley and the other in Mitcham. Yet, we are one united congregation, with only one governing board and all joint activities and committees.
Our Beliefs
1. We believe that God speaks to us in his word today, so that the message of Christ abundant life of salvation, grace and love, is freely available for us.
2. We believe that the Holy Spirit is present in our lives through holy Baptism and Christ nourishes believers in the Lord’s Supper by sharing himself with them.
3. We believe that no one is beyond the grace of God.
4. We believe that Christ is for all people.
5. We believe that the Holy Spirit’s intention for us is to be led by him in God’s mission to evangelise and make him known to those who have not met him.
6. We believe that all believers in Christ share in the ministry of the gospel.
7. We believe that all people can change and grow in maturity under Christ, who is our head.
Our Values
1. We value an inspiring worship life, both traditional and contemporary, that is open to all.
2. We value bringing people together in fellowship with Christ.
3. We value hospitality, the welcome of visitors.
4. We value other cultures, learning from them.
5. We value older people, their faithfulness and what they can teach us.
6. We value compassion, care and support of each other.
7. We value the young, the support of them and from them.
Our Vision
We see a missional, hospitable congregation, a growing church for a multicultural community while including and respecting older people, alongside a Chinese congregation, both of which are committed to seeking the growth of all, especially the young.
Our Mission
God’s mission for us is to evangelise those who do not know Christ, to work together to integrate the young into the body of Christ and to establish a Chinese congregation.
English Conversation Club
The English Conversation Club Meets on Thursdays at 7:00 pm at Glen Waverley Lutheran Church. Lessons are free. Beginners and intermediate groups are available.
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